please donate so we can continue to provide free first aid and life saving courses - everyone can save a life
ways to donate
medics on scene training trust is an approved charitable entity.
Our Registration Number is CC53943. You can find out more at Charities Services by searching online at
donation options
Choose internet banking,
payment in person by paying into our ASB Account at the bank or you can post a cheque
Choose how much you wish to donate. You can make regular donations, annual donations or just a one-off donation if you choose.
Regular Giving: A regular gift via internet banking allows us to plan for the future and reduces administration costs for both you and us. To set up your regular gift via your internet banking system please use our bank details below and remember to include your name as a reference. If you would prefer us to send you a regular giving form just let us know by calling 06 878 4788 or emailing [email protected]
internet banking
Bank: ASB Name of account: Medics On Scene Training Trust Account number: 12-3478-0021197-00 Reference: the Project name and your name
If you would like us to acknowledge a donation given directly from your internet account, we will need your contact details – please email us using the form.
donate in person
You can call in to any branch of ASB and pay your donation into our account.
Name of account: Medics On Scene Training Trust Account details: 12-3478-0021197-00 Reference: the Project name and your name
If you would like us to acknowledge a donation given in person, please email us using the form.
for a receipt/acknowledgement, please use this box
want to talk to us?
If you would like to talk to us in confidence about making any kind of donation, please call us on 06 8784788 or email by clicking this